
The solemn mission of this website is to remove the deceptive smokescreen and expose Satan’s masterpiece on earth so that you may turn tragedy into triumph and rise to meet the Lord in the air when He returns.
    To many, history might be dry and boring, yet if we have a burning desire to understand what is truth, then history becomes vibrant and alive.  History sheds light on our present  world and also gives understanding for the future.  It is through history that we find our roots, and has become the reason and object of why much of our history today has been throughly censored; so that our roots will be purposely obscured. The day is approaching, perhaps, when the only historians will be amateurs who study history as self-help, who examine the past in order to make sense of the present and not be caught unprepared by the future.  “We have been taught lies. Reality is not at all what we perceive it to be. We cannot survive any longer by hanging onto the falsehoods of the past.  Reality must be discerned at all costs if we are to be a part of the future.
  Lopsided, slanted, and gone from history are the true factual events purposely hidden from history. When a nation has no true past history, the minds are molded by false history. False history makes the present fiction with out anyway to understand the future.
This will allow you to believe in the past that

Never Existed.
Reading history for  history’s sake is no more productive than reading fairy tales.  The history of the past is useless if it teaches us nothing of the future.
 “History is not history unless it is the truth.”
Abraham Lincoln

3 Responses to About

  1. Aneta says:

    Hello! I am from Poland . I think that the Catholic Church is the Church of Satan, the centre of the sunworship together with all crosses and obelisks. I left the Catholic Church two years ago and I do not belong to any denomination. I would like the author of this web page to write to me. I have some guestions. This is my email : polawendabox@poczta.fm. Thank you very much. I really need a piece of advice.

  2. Ethan Lee says:

    Hello Walt,
    I have been listening to you on Lorries’ show over a year. I praise God for the show. I watched “the Hidden faith of our founding fathers” and the other movies for years now but hearing you and Tom finally torn down the walls for me. THANK, THANK, THANK YOU. The Bible and History MAKES perfect sense. Love the site. Please check out mine: http://www.findingpeacewithjesus.com/

    Here is my email: fxpitt@yahoo.com

  3. SheepAlert says:

    Thank you for providing all the truths! GOD bless you!

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